
Hang It Yourself 2010

"Church on Fire"
"Blue Moon"
It's that time of year again ... the third annual Hang It Yourself (or HIY) opens at Photoaccess in Canberra at 12 noon on Sunday 5 September and runs for just over two weeks.

The exhibition concept is simple, yet super-charged — photographers dash into the gallery and pin up to five images, unframed and no bigger than 42cm, anywhere on the walls. It's the perfect forum for experimental or recent work.

I'm submitting the above four pictures, all playing with TtV in a way that I hope is novel, one that plays with the technique as much as the subject matter.

If you'd like to see the show, I recommend dropping by the opening for a drink (always complementary) — big group shows always have such fun openings!


Tracy said...

Good luck with the exhibition

Susan Stayer said...

These are great images, Kathleen! I wish I could see the show in person.

Anonymous said...

Well done Kathleen, they were a very popular part of the show.
Kerry B