
Christmas Decorations

After an end-of-the-year hiatus, I'm back and ready to take on 2010 with a new camera, the Canon Powershot S90. As professional as a point 'n' shoot digital can be, this baby is perfect for street photography ... slim and unobtrusive, yet capable of manual focus and shooting raw. I can't wait to take it to Scotland in June, where I'm visiting my sister Kirralee for a month.

In the meantime, I've got a backlog of images to get through from my other cameras, including these happy snaps of my Christmas decorations.

Top: The gorgeous Eddie Ross, who you may remember from the second season of Bravo's Top Design, inspired the bauble wreath. His blog is a gem for how to style on a budget and using vintage finds.

Centre: I snapped up half-price decorations at Ikea a couple of weeks before Christmas ... boxes of 40 cute baubles were under AU$5 and hand-blown glass hearts and spirals were under AU$1 each. I particularly liked the range of heart decorations ... so fresh, full of love and outside-the-square.

Below: I found this plain mug holder at my local Salvation Army Store, where I volunteer every Friday ... it made the perfect mini Christmas tree for the table next to my front door.


Tracy Wallace said...

Its nice to see you back to your blog :) You always manage to find a bargain. Grats on the new camera too

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Kirralee Fisher said...

I love the idea of a mug cup holder as a mini-Christmas tree - that is brilliant. I'll have to try that next year. I also love the little figure (is it a reindeer) in this shot.

Horse Feathers Saddlery said...

The mug holder cost next to nothing! I picked the little reindeer and teddy up from charity shops for about 50 cents each.