

Once a year, a paddock on the edge of the tiny village of Murrumbateman overflows with cars like it’s an inner city parking lot as folks from the local region swarm in for two days of machinery and livestock displays.

The miniature farmyard (an interactive display of baby animals) was my favourite attraction at last year’s Murrumbateman Field Days. “Adorable chaos” is the best way to describe it — a gaggle of toddlers cooed over bunnies, lambs, puppies and piglets before being let loose to chase an extremely resilient array of ducks and chickens.

I think the animals look rather bored, don’t you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These make farm life nostalgia really kick in. Especially love the chicken photo. Feels like I've travelled back to 1978, minus the loud cackling & manure-smeared dirt.