
The Horse Dentist

 Casey always works Lucky Luke style with a hand-rolled 
cigarette hanging from his mouth

"Open wide."

Okay, that's not what equine dentist and Kinesiologist Casey Tribe says when he first meets a patient. But he does get to the root of any teeth problems, as well as a whole host of other health issues, from imbalanced intestinal flora to misaligned vertebrae.

Watching Casey work often shocks the uninitiated — his drills and files are super-sized, and his spinal manipulations sound like punches. But the relief he gives horses is often immediate ... it's amazing to hear a horse sigh and stretch its neck as a long-term headache suddenly disappears.

You can see in these images how calm Thumper, my 16hh chestnut thoroughbred, is as Casey and his assistant Dan give him a clean bill of health. Thumps simply had his pearly whites filed — horse teeth continually grow, so need this done every six to 12 months.

 Casey files Thumper's teeth. Note the heart-shape of Thumper's 
tongue as Dan holds it away from the drill
A resistance technique identifies muscle or bone problems ... 
Thumper gets the all clear

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